Co-pilot for pet parents

An important step for Veeeet was to participate in Web Summit 2024, which is called «the world’s premier tech conference». Three days of active collaboration with the world’s leading innovators, experts and investors confirmed the correctness of the ideas that became the basis of the Veeeet business model. And the opportunity to appear in the «Medtech Revolution» track is recognition from the organizers of the Web Summit.

At the current stage of development, the decision not to use artificial intelligence was an important and deliberate one. We have built the symptom checker for our application on the basis of an expert system. This approach ensures maximum transparency and verifiability of all recommendations.

But in the future we plan to use hashtagAI. The key to understanding how best to do this has come from testing the Veeeet application and actively communicating with future consumers.

Imagine your pet has started to behave in an unusual way. Maybe they have lost their appetite or become afraid of noise. Maybe he sleeps all day… What is happening? Is this some kind of symptom (and then you need to use the Veeeet Symptom Checker) or are these natural and healthy changes in behaviour? Perhaps you need the services of a zoopsychologist? Or do you urgently need to see a vet?

A well-trained AI is the optimal tool to answer such vague questions and help you choose the right course of action to protect your pet’s health.

We plan to integrate artificial intelligence into our mobile application as the next important step in Veeeet’s technological development.

We have had incredibly interesting and useful negotiations with one of the leading insurance companies. We consider the results to be positive and will tell you about them later. But during the negotiations we were asked two very important questions. Key to understanding how Veeeet will develop:
How will you retain the customer in the application?
How will you monetise the application?
Why are these questions important? There are several applications for pet parents on the market. Some of the functionality of these applications is close to the capabilities of Veeeet. But according to many reviews (this information was consistent with ours and our negotiating partner’s), pet owner applications do not retain customers well. They have a low retention rate.
What are we going to do to solve this problem? The idea is to create value for our customers every day. How are we going to do that?
First, it is gamification: the user is given daily tasks for the health of both the pet and the user. Completing these tasks will earn you Veeeet Coins, which can be used to buy access to special offers from partners or to purchase digital assets.
Secondly, Veeeet includes a large and up-to-date veterinary reference book — data on diseases, medications, emergency procedures, etc. We know from our own experience that pet parents often search the internet for information about their pet’s health. We will make sure that all the necessary information is available in Veeeet and this will create a motive to return to the application more often.
And one more thought. We are paying special attention to the UI / UX. Veeeet should be as comfortable as possible.
In terms of monetisation, user LTV is directly dependent on retention. By solving the user retention problem, we will improve cash flow. We also benchmarked and studied the revenue structure of one of our favourite applications, Duolingo. They get about 75% of their money from paid subscriptions and another 25% from affiliates and advertising. Thanks to our gamification system, we have excellent opportunities to work with partners. We updated our financial model and pitch deck with this information.

When we talked about developing our MVP, we focused on the letter V. Understand this letter not as viability, but as consumer value. There is also the letter M. What application features will we NOT implement in the MVP? What are the development prospects for Veeeet?

1. Right now the application works on the principle of one user — one pet. In the future you will be able to add profiles of all your pets to one user account. We also plan to create special versions of the application for breeders and shelters.

2. The content in MVP is now geared towards dog parents. The immediate goal of development is cats and everything related to their health and well-being. However, we will not stop there and will expand our functionality in the interest of owners of birds, reptiles and other exotic pets.

3. Expert system for checking symptoms (Symptom Checker). With this system we want to create real value for our users. Advice to «run to the vet as soon as possible» is safe, but obvious and therefore not very useful. That is why we are putting a lot of effort into developing an expert system. The MVP will have only one (but the most common) detailed symptom. Moreover, the number of symptoms processed by the expert system will grow.

4. Filling the information sections: diseases, symptoms, veterinary drugs, etc. is a lot of information. We will constantly work to complete Veeeet directories and update data.

5. Digital Twin: We will refine our model and add more breeds of dogs and cats.

6. Remote consulting service: Add chat with pet and veterinary experts

7. Affiliate Program: We consider it one of the most important tools to create value for our users. Therefore, increasing the number of product and service providers under the Veeeet Affiliate Program will be our continued priority.

In general, the existing functionality of Veeeet was designed based on the results of surveys of pet parents. When the MVP is launched, we will work hard to understand what customers want and need. This will primarily determine the direction of Veeeet’s development.

Every puppy grows differently, and different aspects of development require special attention depending on the breed. Irish Wolfhounds, like any large breed dog, are prone to musculoskeletal problems if not raised properly. In order to closely monitor weight gain and height, stress on weak paws, and the balance of minerals in the diet, owners and breeders create height and weight charts and measure the puppy weekly for the first 6-8 months of life. The charts are adjusted for the height and weight of the parents, as the range of height in the breed can be up to 20 cm and weight up to 30 kg. For easy tracking of changes, comparisons and conclusions, our Veeet application is developing a separate section that will help structure all the information about the current development of the puppy and compare it with information obtained based on previous experience of the breeder or measurements of the owner’s previous puppies.

The holiday season is about to start. Veeeet founders have been working in Spain for 6 months. I think this is a good moment to draw some interim conclusions. So what has been done?
The functionality of the mobile application was determined. A series of in-depth interviews were conducted with potential users, as well as a survey with more than 200 participants;
All major issues related to the development and implementation of a digital twin in the application were resolved.
The technology stack of the application is defined. The Veeeet application itself is 90% complete. We have already implemented:
— Pet health module and personal user account
— System for storing and managing veterinary information and documents, including assistance in deciphering tests
— Multifunctional calendar and pet health dashboard
— Information and reference system, including actions in life-threatening situations for a pet, information about diseases and conditions, medications
— A digital twin that can help you predict how changes in diet and activity may affect your pet’s health.
— Gamification: like the health prediction generated by a digital twin? Turn it into a series of daily tasks, complete them and earn coins that can be exchanged for merchandise and, in the long term, services from Veeeet partners.
We fill applications with content. Information on 112 diseases, 32 dangerous situations, 30 medications, 23 conditions is already available. The digital twin takes into account the characteristics of 33 breeds. This is not much yet, but we are actively working on new content.
In addition, we are creating a symptom checker. It’s still under development, but we are confident that it will create real and great value for pet owners.
Another important task of our work is the UI/UX design of our application. The planned completion date is September 2024.
Our main goal is to start widespread testing of our application in early fall. We also plan to start working on raising funds to enter the market and expand functionality.
We have a very strong team. We rely on people with extensive experience in practical veterinary medicine. We have solved all the technological problems of the application. Therefore, we are confident of Veeeet’s success.а

The idea of creating the Veeet application came from my friends Pavel Orlov and Mariia Orlova, who are experienced practicing veterinarians and know well the problems pet owners face. As a dog owner for 40 years, I support this idea. Normally, when you buy a puppy or kitten, the breeder gives you a folder with paperwork, vaccination records, recommendations and feeding instructions. Throughout the pet’s life, this folder can become a huge volume, as it is desirable to save all examinations and veterinary appointments, prescriptions and extracts. Another album contains photographs of the pet, a notebook contains a chart of weight gain and feeding, and a diary contains records of situations and illnesses. Often, all this information is lost, thrown away, and when it is suddenly needed, it is very difficult to retrieve. In addition, it is almost impossible to correlate some events in an animal’s life with the necessary records and photographs by date in a year or more.
In order to structure all the useful and potentially useful information, there is a need for a single platform with easy search.
Our entire team is enthusiastically working on this task.

One day, the main machine in the factory broke down. All attempts to repair it were unsuccessful. Then the director was advised to call an industrial equipment repair consultant.
The consultant examined the machine for a long time, then took out a hammer and gave it a single blow.
And the machine started to work. The invoice for the work done was 5,000 Euros. The director decided that this amount for 1 blow with a hammer was very expensive and asked for a detailed invoice. The consultant agreed and prepared such a document. It said: Strike with a hammer — 1 Euro. Knowing where to strike — 4999 Euro.
Why am I telling this story? For four weeks we tried to transfer the algorithms of the digital twin of the pet to the Veeeet hashtagpethealth application. But nothing worked: everything was very slow, or the data of different users was mixed up, or some other errors occurred. But finally we found the right solution and it worked! In just two days, we recreated the digital twin, preserving the logic of the algorithms, but completely abandoning the old developments. It turns out that it took us four weeks to figure out where to apply a single blow with a hammer.
Veeeet has broken another technological barrier. We are one step closer to starting a public test. And now we have a new task — we are looking for the best way to implement our super advanced symptom checker.

So we are actively developing MVP Veeeet. It’s incredibly interesting and seems to take a lot more than 24 hours a day. In general, time is the most valuable resource for a startup. We try to use our time efficiently and focus on tasks that create maximum value for users. In general, we like the letter V in the word MVP the most.
There are many digital tools that make it possible to build an MVP faster. It may not be the prettiest solution, but it works and makes it possible to understand earlier and better what consumers need. We hope that our experience will be useful for other Startups.
Our technologystack currently includes:
— Work information management: online board and CRM
— Project management: Trello + Google Meet
— Website creation and management: WordPress + Elementor
— Presentation development: and copywriting (this is the most AI-filled block of our stack!)
— Design: Figma (it’s inevitable) + Powerpoint for quick sketches
— Mobile development: Adalo + Zapier.
— Chatbot builders: for Telegram and for Whatsapp
And another small plus: all these tools are easy to learn (we did it) and have good free starter plans or are inexpensive.а

Hello everyone! We have some interesting news. We have built the first prototype of the digital twin and it works as it should! Of course, there are many improvements to be made (insufficient number of factors considered, discreteness is too high, fine-tuning of coefficients is needed, calculation of additional parameters is not included, etc.), but the core of the technology has worked successfully, now there is something to improve.

So, meet Ressie (rare electronic smart shepherd improved elegance). The Internet claims that this name is of Greek origin and can be translated as » Huntress «, but we will stick with our version.

Ressie is an Australian Shepherd and is 4 years old. She is 50 centimeters tall and weighs 35 kilograms. Ressie eats 1000 grams of food per day with a caloric content of 385 kcal per 100 grams. She is a fairly active dog (typical for Australian Shepherds). Ressie walks for 1 hour a day and plays actively for another 20 minutes.

But Ressie thinks she is a little overweight and to get in shape she decides to increase her walks from 1 hour to 1.5 hours a day. What will she do?

The digital twin clearly shows that an increase in exercise initially leads to an active weight loss (but within the recommended norm, Ressie took this nuance into account). Then the weight stabilizes: fewer calories are needed to maintain the new body weight. The digital twin algorithm takes this into account. As a result, Ressie was able to go from 35 to 30 kilos in six months and stabilize her weight. She is very happy!


We believe that understanding consumer issues is the foundation for future success. The advantage of Veeeet is that the team consists of professional veterinarians with extensive practical experience and a good sense of market trends.
However, we believe that it is impossible to know your consumers too well. Therefore, we conducted a survey among our potential customers to better select the features that will be included in the Veeeet mvp . A total of 194 people from 3 different social groups participated in the survey.
Most importantly, 68% of the respondents said that they would like to install the Veeeet mobile application!
The most popular features were: chatting with a veterinarian and storing information about the pet in a convenient and accessible format. Nearly 90% of respondents said these features were «important» or «very important».
In addition, respondents were interested in features such as a vaccination calendar and a digital twin of a pet (more than 80% of responses were «important» and «very important»), which is a positive signal for us because a digital twin is the know-how and «secret sauce» of Veeeet.
What was the least popular feature? This is pet socialization. Less than 40% positive feedback.
Based on the information we received, we are developing a prototype of our application. The first version is already finished and is being tested internally. But based on our market research, we know that most pet parents are aware of the existence of pethealth apps, have tried to use such apps, but were dissatisfied with their convenience. Therefore, our main efforts are now focused on the ui/ux design . In the next test, we will compare the usability and design of different versions of the Veeeet mobile application.

What do you think is the hardest part of being a veterinarian?

Most people would say, «Ah! Well, that’s understandable, the hardest part is figuring out why the animal is sick! It won’t tell you where or what it hurts!». And they will be exceptionally right! BUT!

This difficulty lies in two things:
First: the animal really doesn’t speak!
And second: the owner does!
And this is not always truthful information!

«How so?» — you ask — «because the owner went to the doctor to help his pet!». Absolutely true!

But here, as my quarter century of practice shows, owners tend to tell untruths, sometimes even unintentionally!

The most common problem is getting the medical history right.
-What do you feed? — I ask.
-You know, doctor, just the food you prescribed!
-Hmm, that’s strange, your vitals should be improving and you’re getting worse! -Maybe it’s the food.
-Maybe it’s the pig heart? Doctor, he loves it so much, we can’t refuse, we love it so much! But don’t worry, we’re giving him just a little bit, just like the palm of my hand!

Aaah! Prescribe a diet, prescribe medication, try to avoid side effects….. and then, uh… pig heart! 😫

But that’s not a problem! Here the client himself admitted it, but it can be worse:
I love it when not one, but two or three family members come to the appointment. That’s when the spy games begin!)
-What does the dog eat?
-Only the prescribed food, Doctor!
-But, Mom, sometimes you give him…
-Shut up! -Do you see me talking to the doctor?
-Who feeds the dog?
-I give him food in the morning before work, I leave early! — Dad says.
-Oh, I give him food before work too! -Mommy says. And, turning to her husband: «Why didn’t you tell me before?»
-And when I come home from school, I give him some too, he begs so much! — says the daughter.
And that’s just the first half of the day! A silent scene…
And a happy well-fed smiling dog with orthopedic problems!

And that’s a good thing if grandma doesn’t live with them)! 😄

— And how many times a day do you walk him?
And you can hear two or three opposite answers with glee)!
And they look at each other embarrassed!)

Then I turn on Holmes and ask: «And who exactly walks him?».
Eventually it turns out that only Daddy walks to work. How does he walk? They do their business at the front door and go home!
And in the evening, mom also goes out for a maximum of half an hour and that, mostly standing and chatting with a girlfriend!

And such clients come with a question: «Doctor, maybe there are some pills for weight loss? He’s so fat after he’s been neutered.» )))))).


But most of all, I love to take a history of each family member individually (when I have time, of course)!

That’s how it happens, if you don’t know that we are talking about the same animal, you won’t guess)!

Mom’s version: «He’s been limping for six months now, on his right hind limb, it’s getting worse and worse, but it’s not known for sure.»
Dad’s version: «He’s been limping for about two weeks now, on his left paw of course! But when you give him candy, he forgets and doesn’t limp!»
Son’s version: «I don’t notice he’s limping at all! But he scratches his ear, that’s for sure!»

And sometimes a person tells untruths to make himself look better in his own eyes!

He says that the amount of feed is underestimated, that he gives pills, but he can’t name the name or the frequency of intake……
And thus makes life very difficult for us and for his friend!

Very often we keep the best version of ourselves in our heads!

And, if we say that we don’t always give the medicine on time, we don’t give all the medicines, we give medicines from a forum on the Internet, we give cookies from the table, we don’t walk enough, etc., then the doctor will definitely condemn us and we will have to admit that you are not so perfect!))

Don’t do that! 🙅‍♂️

We take a medical history to help your pet, not to evaluate what kind of person you are!
P.S. Of course, this doesn’t apply to everyone! We have many responsible owners who do everything right and are strict about it! Well, at least that’s what they say! )))))))

The best approach for a successful startup is to identify a problem and offer the best solution. This is exactly what we did when we started Veeeet. However, there is another crucial aspect to consider.
Why do people keep pets? There is no doubt that love is a crucial factor for pet owners, but there are also tangible benefits. benefits. This factor may seem irrational, but owning a pet can significantly improve one’s quality of life. Here are some facts:
— A study published in the journal Circulation in 2019 analyzed data from 1950 to 2019 to determine the impact of dogs on lifespan. The study found that dog owners live longer than those who do not own dogs. Additionally, dog owners who are at risk of heart attack have a 65% reduced risk of mortality.
— In her book, Animal Assisted Therapy in Counseling, Professor Cynthia Chandler from the University of North Texas reviewed several research studies on the psychophysiological and psychosocial benefits of positive social interaction with a pet. It is clear that interacting with pets can have a positive impact on our mental and physical well-being. According to these studies, the benefits include calming and relaxation, anxiety reduction, alleviation of loneliness, normalization of heart rate and blood pressure, pain reduction, stress reduction, depression reduction, and increased pleasure.
— A 2023 study published in the journal Animals confirms that Animal-Assisted Therapy is effective for treating mental health problems in adolescents. The therapy can yield positive results after just
a few sessions.
Veeeet provides smart care for your pet’s health, and we believe We believe that by helping pets, we can improve the lives of people and promote a greater awareness of health and wellness.

Digital twin technology will be one of Veeeet’s key innovations, our secret sauce. This technology will be used to systematically store data about the pet, monitor and predict health status, and develop the most reliable recommendations for feeding and care.
What is a digitaltwin? According to the Wiki definition, «a digital twin is a digital representation of an alleged or actual real physical product, system, or process (physical twin) that serves as a virtually indistinguishable digital counterpart for practical purposes».
In our case, a digital twin is a digital model of your pet that takes into account your pet’s breed, age, weight and height, and other physical parameters, as well as feeding characteristics, physical activity, and other factors. Such a model will allow you to see changes in the main parameters in dynamics and interdependencies — as it happens in a real pet. For example, it will be possible to predict which physical activities are safe and which may have negative effects on the heart and joints. What level of protein in food is optimal for your pet, and what is insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive and puts unnecessary stress on the kidneys.
We plan to start with a fairly simple model and gradually increase the number of factors taken into account. Our experience in veterinary medicine suggests that such a model will be extremely useful for maintaining the health of your pet, for early diagnosis and prevention of many diseases.
Digital twin technology is not just an idea of the founders of Veeeet. It is now one of the fastest growing segments of the digital market. The expected CAGR until 2028 is 61.3% (according to Marketsandmarkets). We see it as an important part of our mission to bring all the benefits of the most promising digital technologies to responsible pet owners

Clinical Decision Support Systems (Clinical DSS) are one of the most promising trends in EHEALTH. We are developing such a system and our users will have access to it through the Veeeet platform.
Clinical decision support systems significantly simplify the work of diagnosticians and help them to see the whole picture. Their use is particularly effective when dealing with diseases that are rarely encountered in everyday medical practice.
Overall, the global market for clinical decision support systems is estimated at 2.5 billion by 2023. The projected compound annual growth rate is approximately 9%.
There are two main types of clinical decision support systems: knowledge management (expert systems) and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Publications from authoritative sources such as Nature and SAGE highlight the effectiveness of clinical decision support systems based on knowledge management. In addition, such systems are easier to implement and do not require significant training time, unlike neural networks.
For this reason, knowledge management-based DSS (expert system) will be used to analyze the data and make the best recommendations. In the future, we see the possibility of improving the functionality of this system by introducing artificial intelligence where it is appropriate and effective.